Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Germanic Languages and Literatures
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Date of Award: May 1995
Master of Arts Degree with "Distinction in Germanic Languages and Literatures"
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Date of Award: August 1988
Bachelor of Arts Honors Degree with "Distinction in Germanic Languages and Literatures"
The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The College of Arts and Sciences
Date of Award: May 1984
Study and Research at Other Institutions:
DAAD / Fulbright Summer Academy for Faculty in German
Universität Leipzig, June 2016
Guest Researcher
Universität zu Köln, July 2013 to December 2013
Fulbright Senior Lecturer and Researcher
Universität Siegen, September 2007 to March 2008
Business German Seminar of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Heinrich-Heine-Universität zu Düsseldorf, Summer 1995
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Annual Scholarship
Freie Universität Berlin, October 1992 to May 1993
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Annual Scholarship
Universität Hamburg, February 1992 to September 1992
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship - Interdisciplinary Seminar on "Postwar German Views of Fascism"
The University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, Summer 1988
The Pennsylvania State University Exchange Fellowship
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, October 1986 to August 1987
League for People’s Friendship Scholarship of the German Democratic Republic - Fortieth Annual Weimar Literature Program
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität zu Jena, Summer 1986
Junior Year in Munich (JYM) Program
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität zu München, September 1982 to August 1983
Internships, Study Abroad Supervision, and Volunteer Teaching:
Waldsee German Language Immersion Camp
Concordia Language Villages, Bemidji, Minnesota, July 2014
Participated as a volunteer in team teaching intensive immersion
German to children and helped supervise the Internship program
Waldsee German Language Immersion Camp
Concordia Language Villages, Bemidji, Minnesota, July 2012
The Metropolitan
State University of Denver
Institute of Staufen, Staufen Germany, Summer 1997
Faculty Organizer and Supervisor of the program
American Association of Teachers of German Internship
Concordia College, Morehead, Minnesota, Summer 1993
Participated in graduate seminar including team teaching intensive immersion German to children and training in the supervision of German Instructors.
National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) Internship
The University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawai'i, January 1991 to May 1991
Implemented a video-based Business German course and participated in graduate seminars on Second Language Acquisition and Computer Technology.
Graduate Internship of the German Summer School
Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, Summer 1989
Advanced Language Tutor and Intensive German Language Program participant, including training in theater production and acting.
German Language Qualifications:
Tester of the Deutsch für den Beruf (German for the
Professions) examination at The Metropolitan State College of
Denver, from 1998 to 2000
Tester of the German Middle-level Examination of the Goethe
Institute, from 1994 to 2000
Trained as a Tester of the German Middle-level Examination of the Goethe Institute, Brigham Young University, December 1993
Trained as a Supervisor of German Instructors by the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), Concordia College, July 1993
Rated a Superior Speaker of German according to the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview Guidelines, The Pennsylvania State University, October 1991
Earned Certificate of the Middle-level Examination of the Goethe Institute, with the highest rating of Very Good, The Pennsylvania State University, May 1986
Qualified as a German Translator for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice, March 1985
Assistant Professor of German
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania
August 1995 to May 1996
Two semesters of Introductory German language courses, including audio-, video- and computer-based instruction; involved in introducing proficiency testing for German majors.
German Language Teacher
Tabor Academy
Marion, Massachusetts
August 1994 to June 1995
Responsible for teaching all four levels of German Language and Culture, coaching speech and debate events, and supervising a male dormitory.
German Language Instructor
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
August 1993 to April 1994
Coordinated proficiency testing and tutorials for undergraduate German majors and taught two semesters of a fifth-semester Advanced Grammar and Composition course.
German Language Instructor
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania
August 1985 to December 1991
Taught nine semesters of one or two classes of Introductory, Intermediate or Advanced German language courses with autonomous classroom responsibility and grading.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The Two Controversial Heroines of Heinrich Böll: Women with Guns" The Image of the Hero in Literature, Media and Society: The Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2010. [Refereed.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Fascism in Microcosm: Leni's Wartime World in Gruppenbild mit Dame (Group Portrait with Lady), by Heinrich Böll (1971)," The Image of Power in Literature, Media and Society: The Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2006. [Refereed.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The Road and Driving in Heinrich Böll's Two Short Novels Ende einer Dienstfahrt (End of a Mission - 1967) and Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum (The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum - 1974)," The Image of the Road in Literature, Media and Society: The Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2005. [Refereed.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Teacher Training Involving Technology," Pedagogy of Language Learning, Advances in Foreign and Second Language Pedagogy, Vol. 2, Ed. Gerd Bräuer (Atlanta: Ablex, 2001). [Chapter in an anthology.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, Heinrich Böll als Moralist: Die Funktion von Verbrechen und Gewalt in seinen Prosawerken [Heinrich Böll as Moralist: The Function of Crime and Violence in His Prose Works], Studies in Themes and Motifs in Literature, Vol. 42, Ed. Horst S. Daemmrich (New York: Peter Lang, 1999). [Monograph.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Multimedia for German Literature and Civilization: A Workshop," Proceedings of The 23rd Annual Youngstown State University Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Youngstown, Ohio, 1999. [Refereed.]
Rajendra P. Khandekar, Lawrence F. Glatz and Lori Allen, "Transitions from Traditional to On-line Pedagogy," Proceedings of The 41st Annual Mountain Plains Management Conference, National University, La Jolla, California, 1999. [Refereed.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Business German and the WWW," ALL CALL: Midwest Association of Learning Laboratories, March 1999, Volume 9, Number 1. [Non-refereed.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Business German and the WWW," Peals: Journal of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT), Fall 1998, Volume 35, Number 2. [Non-refereed.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Business German and the WWW," Proceedings of The 40th Annual Mountain Plains Management Conference, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, 1998. [Refereed.]
Eric Williams and Lawrence F. Glatz, "Cinema and the Feminine Threat: The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum and A Taxing Woman," Significant Others - Gender and Culture in Film and Literature, East and West: Selected Conference Papers, Literary Studies - East and West, Vol. 6, Eds. William Burgwinkle, Glenn Man, Valerie Wayne (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1993). [Refereed.]
Refereed Presentations, Sponsored Workshops and Graduate Training:
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Heinrich Böll's Irish Diary(1957): The Portrait of a Gentle Society," 46th Annual European Studies Conference, The University of Nebraska-Omaha (Virtual), October 1, 2021.Lawrence F. Glatz, "Portfolios at all Levels in the Undergraduate
Language Major," Annual Conference of the American Council on the
Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the American Association
of Teachers of German (AATG), San Diego, California, November 21,
2015. [Electronic Poster Presentation]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Portfolios in the Undergraduate German Minor and Major," Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), San Diego, California, November 21, 2015.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The Curious Rebels of Heinrich Böll: Witnesses, Felons, and Nonconformists," The Image of the Rebel in Literature, Media and Society: The Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 14, 2015. Lawrence F. Glatz, "Increasing Individual and Group Learning
through a Course Wiki," Annual Conference of the American Council
on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the American
Association of Teachers of German (AATG), Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, November 17, 2012. [Electronic Poster Presentation]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Approaches to Communicative Reading and Writing in Intermediate German: A Communicative Approach Based on the German Telenovela Jojo sucht das Glück," Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 17, 2012.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Increasing Individual and Group Learning
through a Course Wiki," Annual Conference of the American Council
on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the American
Association of Teachers of German (AATG), Denver, Colorado,
November 19, 2011.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Germany Does Away With Itself?," 2011
Conference of the Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 20, 2011.
[Scheduled Presenter; unable to attend.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, " The Harmless Outlaw: A German Soldier on
Trial in the 1960s in Ende einer Dienstfahrt (End of a Mission),
by Heinrich Böll (1966)," The Image of the Outlaw in Literature,
Media and Society: The Annual Conference of the Society for the
Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs,
Colorado, March 17, 2011.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Germany Does Away With Itself? “Fördern” and
“Fordern” after Sarrazin," The Annual Spring Conference of the
Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Colorado Springs,
Colorado, February 25, 2011.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The Two Controversial Heroines of Heinrich
Böll: Women with Guns" The Image of the Hero in Literature, Media
and Society: The Annual Conference of the Society for the
Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs,
Colorado, March 20, 2010.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "History and Critical Thinking in Language
Learning Programs: Resources and Approaches," The 63rd Annual
Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language
Teachers, Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 26, 2010.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Michael Erskine and Ben Zastrocky, "Web
Developers: The First Source of Information," MSCD Spring Forum,
The Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado,
January 14, 2010.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Scott Houck and Ben Zastrocky, “Multimedia
Developers: Dynamic, Interactive Learning," MSCD Spring Forum, The
Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, January
14, 2010.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The New Germany and Restructuring of the Educational Model," The 62nd Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Denver, Colorado, February 28, 2009.
Lawrence F. Glatz and Lunden MacDonald, "Increasing Individual
and Group Learning through a Course Wiki," Faculty Development
Conference: Developing Communities of Practice. The Metropolitan
State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, February 6, 2009.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Robert Hazan and Thorsten Spehn, ''Presenting
the Holocaust at an Urban American College,'' The 8th
Interdisciplinary International Conference on ''Ethics and/or
Justice after Postmodernism: Revisioning Media, Politics, and the
Arts in the 21st Century,'' The University of Erlangen, November
23, 2007.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The Notable Work of Heinrich Böll in Regard to Violence," The Image of Violence in Literature, Media and Society: The Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 8, 2007.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Podcasting without iPods: German Audio & Video in the Web," The 60th Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Denver, Colorado, February 24, 2007.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The German Media Campaign to Raise Optimism (Sept. 2005 to Feb. 2006)," Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, October 7, 2006.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Assessing Heinrich Böll 21 Years after his Death," 2006 German Studies Association Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 1, 2006.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Fascism in Microcosm: Leni's Wartime World in Gruppenbild mit Dame (Group Portrait with Lady), by Heinrich Böll (1971)," The Image of Power in Literature, Media and Society: The Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 11, 2006.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "You are Germany: The German Media Campaign to Raise Optimism," The 59th Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 18, 2006.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The Road and Driving in Heinrich Böll's Two Short Novels Ende einer Dienstfahrt (End of a Mission - 1967) and Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum (The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum - 1974)," The Image of the Road in Literature, Media and Society: The Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 11, 2005.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Publish Your Students' Work to the Web: Projects for Writing and Expansion of Cultural Knowledge," The 58th Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Denver, Colorado, February 26, 2005.
Lawrence F. Glatz, et al, "Building Enrollment in Small German Programs," The 120th Annual Conference of the Modern Language Association (MLA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 28-30, 2004 [Scheduled Presenter; unable to attend.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Small Undergraduate German Programs SIG Meetings," The Joint Conference of The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), Chicago, Illinois, November 19-21, 2004
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Writing; From Practice to Perfection," The 57th Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 20, 2004.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "German Poetry in the Classroom," The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) Joint Conference, November 22, 2003.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Raj Khandekar, and Tom Imiolczyk, "The Place of Technology in Academic Advising," New Directions in Academic Advising: The 11th Annual Fall Faculty Conference, Denver, Colorado, August 14, 2003.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "German Cybertrips," From Bright Ideas to Best Practices: Teaching That Enhances Learning: The 10th Annual Fall Faculty Conference, The Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, August 14, 2002.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "German Poetry in the Classroom," The 55th Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 23, 2002.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Opportunities in the Field of German for the Professions," The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) Joint Conference, November 18, 2001. [Unable to present due to illness.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Teacher Training Involving Technology: The Challenges of Computer-Mediated Learning," Building on Our Strengths: The Second International Conference on Language Teacher Education, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 17-19, 2001. [Unable to present due the terminal illness of parent.]
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The CCFLT Website: Give Us Your Input," The 54th Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 24, 2001.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Business German and the WWW," The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) Joint Conference, November 18, 2000.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Distance Education: Instructional Strategies and Issues," State Colleges in Colorado Fall 2000 Professional Development Conference: Improving Campus Climates for Learning, Dillon, Colorado, September 29-30, 2000. (Session Organizer and Moderator)
Lawrence F. Glatz, "A User-Friendly Solution for an Online Database: Filemaker Pro 5.0," The 5th Annual "Teaching with Technology" Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, July 12, 2000.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Using Filemaker Pro 5.0 for Faculty Publishing of Databases," Spring Regional Meeting of the Southwest Association for Language and Technology - The Regional Association of the International Association for Language Learning and Technology (IALLT) Provo, Utah, May 5-6, 2000.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The European Union: History, Goals and Symbols," The 53rd Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 25, 2000
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Video Presentation - Staufen in Breisgau: The Historical City of Faust," The 53rd Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 25, 2000.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Computer Technology in Foreign Language Teacher Training," 11th International Conference of The Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) and The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), San Diego, California, February 9, 2000.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Graduate Seminar on Germany and the Rebirth of the Berlin Republic," Professional Development In-Service Graduate Course of the Center for Teaching International Relations of the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, January 22, 2000.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Using Technology to Enhance Second Language Acquisition," Graduate Teacher Program - Spring Conference 2000, The University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, January 14, 2000.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Working with Film Clips/Intermediate Level Fun in German," The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) Joint Conference, Dallas, Texas, November 19, 1999.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Poster Session - Business German and the WWW," The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE): WebNET '99, Honolulu, Hawai'i, October 26, 1999. (Scheduled Presenter - unable to attend.)
Rajendra P. Khandekar, Lawrence F. Glatz and Lori Allen, "Two Case Studies in Transitions from Traditional to On-line Pedagogy," The 41st Annual Mountain Plains Management Conference, National University, La Jolla, California, October 15, 1999. (Scheduled Presenter - unable to attend; Khandekar presented alone.)
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Multimedia for German Literature and Civilization: A Workshop," The 23rd Annual Youngstown State University Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Youngstown, Ohio, October 8, 1999.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Team-Teaching the Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Course 'Multimedia in Second Language Acquisition'," The 4th Annual "Teaching with Technology" Conference, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, July 15, 1999.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Languages and Distance Learning: Changes in Language Learning Involving Technology," The Association to Advance Lifetime Learning (AALE) Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado, May 24, 1999.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Gudrun Clay and Rodolfo Garcia, "Technology for Classroom and Student Use Workshop," The 52nd Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Denver, Colorado, February 27, 1999.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Teaching German Pronunciation: Ideas and Materials" The 52nd Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Denver, Colorado, February 26, 1999.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The Notable Work of Heinrich Böll in Regard to Violence," The 24th Annual Conference on Film and Literature: "Violence in Film and Literature," Florida State University, Talahassee, Florida, January 28, 1999.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Business German and the WWW," 40th Annual Mountain Plains Management Conference, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, October 17, 1998.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Issues Involved in Online Learning Options," Teaching with Technology Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, July 20, 1998.
Lori Allen, Lawrence F. Glatz and Rajendra Khandekar, "Issues in Converting Classroom Pedagogical Methodology to On-line Options," The Information Explosion / Academic Values: The State Colleges in Colorado Annual Faculty Symposium, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, April 23, 1998.
Lawrence F. Glatz and Ann Williams-Gascon, "Controversy in the Classroom: Teaching about Right-wing Politics in France and Germany," The 51st Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT), Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 27, 1998.
Gudrun Clay and Lawrence F. Glatz, "Hear, See, Read: Focusing on Literature in Multimedia Format," American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) / American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) Joint Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, November 22, 1997.
Lori Allen and Lawrence F. Glatz, "Multimedia and Second Language Acquisition," Tools for the Classroom: Technology and Instruction Track, Technology + Learning Conference, National School Board Association, Denver, Colorado, November 5, 1997.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The Public and the Private in Lost Honor of Katharina Blum," Exploring Cultural Diversity through Film: An Open Discussion, World Friendship Festival, Metropolitan State College of Denver, October 1, 1997.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Einführungsvortrag zum Thema Multimedia," (Introductory Presentation on the Topic of Multimedia- Conducted in German), Continuing Education Program for the Teachers of the Goethe Institute of Staufen, Goethe Institute, Staufen, Germany, June 11, 1997.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Multimedia Across the Curriculum: Looking at New Advances in Classroom Instruction Involving Technology," Midwest Association of Learning Laboratories: Spring 1997 Conference, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana, April 11, 1997.
Gudrun Clay and Lawrence F. Glatz, "Hear, See, Read: Focusing on Literature in CD-ROM Format," The 50th Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT), Denver, Colorado, February 28, 1997.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Ambivalence and Renewed Engagement in Gruppenbild mit Dame [Group Portrait with Lady]," The 21st Annual Colloquium on Literature and Film: The Uses of History in Fiction and Film, The West Virginia University, October 19, 1996.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Cinema and the Feminine Threat: The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum and A Taxing Woman," Significant Others - Gender and Culture in Film and Literature, East and West International Conference, The University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawai'i, February 4, 1991.
Lawrence F. Glatz, “Some Thoughts on the History and Future of
Corpus Linguistics, Literature and Technology,” Linguistics Club
Meeting Presentation, The Metropolitan State College of Denver,
Denver, Colorado, April 29, 2009
Lawrence F. Glatz, Robert Hazan, Savannah Powell, “Holocaust Discussion," Holocaust Remembrance Day Project, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, April 21, 2009.
Lawrence F. Glatz, ''Intercultural Communication and Technology,'' Guest Lecture for the Junior Year in Munich Program of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität zu München, April 30, 2008.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Robert Hazan, Thorsten Spehn, "Multimedia Presentations and Discussions of the Holocaust," Holocaust Remembrance Day Project, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, April 24, 2007.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Robert Hazan, Thorsten Spehn, "Against the Odds: Lecture, Film and Discussion," Holocaust Awareness Project, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, April 20, 2006.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Robert Hazan, Thorsten Spehn, "Holocaust and Holocaust Denial: Lecture, Film and Discussion," Holocaust Awareness Week, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, November 15, 2005.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Robert Hazan, Thorsten Spehn, "Death of Humanity: Lecture, Film and Discussion," Holocaust Awareness Week, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, May 3, 2005.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Robert Hazan, Thorsten Spehn, "They Looked Away: Lecture, Film and Discussion," Holocaust Awareness Week, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, April 19, 2004.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Chapter Updates and Plans," Spring Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 21, 2004.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "German Women in the WWW," Fall Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), The Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, September 21, 2002.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Using Filemaker Pro 5.0 for Faculty Publishing of Databases," Academy for Teaching Excellence Workshop of The Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, April 19, 2001.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Recycling of Material within Bach's Work," Symposium of the Boulder Bach Festival 2001, Boulder, Colorado, January 26, 2001.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Robert Hazan and Donald Wall, "From Homicide to Genocide - A Panel Discussion on Man's Inhumanity to Man," Holocaust Awareness Week of the The Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, April 13, 2000.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Berlin: History of a City," The Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) Spring Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 26, 2000.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Social Background of Bach's Work," Symposium of the Boulder Bach Festival 2000, Boulder, Colorado, January 28, 2000.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Video Presentation - Staufen in Breisgau: The Historical City of Faust," The Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) Fall Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 23, 1999.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "The European Union: History, Goals and Symbols," Germany and Spain: A Venture Into a Common Past - MSCD Summer 1999 Study Abroad Preparatory Seminar, The Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, May 27, 1999.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Business German and the WWW," Colorado Language Technology Consortium (CoLTeC): 3rd Meeting, The United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, January 23, 1999
Lawrence F. Glatz, et al, "1998 German Election Results Brown Bag Discussion," Golda Meir Institute, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, September 29, 1998.
Lawrence F. Glatz, Robert Hazan, Rob Prince and Donald Wall, "The Politics of Hate: Fascism, Nazism, and the Holocaust," Holocaust Awareness Week, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, April 24, 1998.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Use of the Smart Classroom: New Potentials of Technology," Colorado Language Technology Consortium (CoLTeC): 2nd Meeting, Department of Modern Languages of the Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, January 24, 1998.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Improving and Updating the Multimedia German Language Program," Incentive Grant Outcomes Presentations: What We Did and What We Learned, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, September 23, 1997.
Lawrence F. Glatz, "Einführungsvortrag zum Thema Multimedia," (Introductory Presentation on the Topic of Multimedia- Conducted in German), Continuing Education Program for the Teachers of the Goethe Institute of Staufen, Goethe Institute, Staufen, Germany, June 11, 1997.
Reviewed articles on Heinrich Böll and Post-war German Literature during the process of publication for the following journals:
Comparative Literature StudiesConnections: European Studies Annual Review
Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature
Reviewed materials on German language pedagogy for the following
journal and University Press:
Language Annals
Yale University Press
DAAD / Fulbright Summer Academy for Faculty in German
University of Leipzig, June 2016
Award for pedagogical study
Fulbright Senior Lecturer and Researcher
Universität Siegen, September 2007 to March 2008
Award for lecturing and research
Academy for Teaching Excellence: "Creative Teaching Incentives Grant: Video for German Instruction"
The Metropolitan State College of Denver, Summer Semester 1997
Grant to film material in Germany for use in German language classes as the digitized video sequences of a multimedia project
Metropolitan State College of Denver: "Technology Mini-Grant"
The Metropolitan State College of Denver, Spring Semester 1997
Award included a stipend and 3 credits of released time for digitizing materials and learning multimedia production skills
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Annual Research Grant
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
February 1992 to May 1993
Award for doctoral research at the Universität Hamburg and the Freie Universität Berlin
Creator of:
Online Review Chapter Tests for Treffpunkt
Deutsch (Sixth Edition) in My German Lab
Online chapter tests for review with detailed explanations of incorrect answers (completed 2012)
The Heinrich Böll Bibliography at: http://heinrichboell.pbworks.com
An online bibliographic database containing over 500 books, anthologies and articles about literary works by Heinrich Böll (on-going)
The Heinrich Böll Website at: http://heinrichboell.pbworks.com
A website dedicated to the Nobel Prize for Literature recipient Heinrich Böll (on-going)
A Short German Cultural History at: http://www.lawrenceglatz.com/germ2120/lesetexte.htm
Online materials for learning about German culture and civilization (on-going)
The Germania Project: Online German Resources at: http://germanresources.pbworks.com
Online materials for learning German and about German culture and civilization (on-going)
Writer, Producer and Director of Staufen in Breisgau: the historical city of Faust in four versions -
Staufen in Breisgau: the historical city of Faust
German language with English subtitles
German language with German subtitles
German language with no subtitles
English language
Desktop Movie Studio
Apple Solutions Program
May 16-17, 2000
Training in the use of desktop video editing and production software for use with digital video cameras
Arlington On-line Course: "Dynamic Duo"
Arlington Courseware
Summer Semester 1998
Advanced training in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and JAVA for creating materials for the World Wide Web (WWW)
Asymetrix Certification as "ToolBook II Instructor for CBT Developers"
Metropolitan State College of Denver
February 2-6, 1998
Completed an one-week intensive course to be certified as a trainer of computer-based training (CBT) developers using the ToolBook II Instructor multimedia authoring software
Arlington On-line Course: Tune in the Net Workshop
Arlington Courseware
Spring Semester 1997
Learned more about HTML and JAVA for creating materials for the Worldwide Web
Technical Communications 2450: Introduction to Multimedia
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Fall Semester 1996
Acquired multimedia authoring skills with ToolBook II for integrating digitized images and sound files into German course materials
Participation in Conferences, Meetings and Workshops:
The Annual Spring Conference of
the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
The Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Loveland, Colorado, February 22, 2020
Presenter and Attendee
The Annual Spring Conference of
the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
The Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Aurora, Colorado, February 8, 2019
Presenter and Attendee
Spring Business Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Aurora, Colorado, February 8, 2019
The ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
New Orleans, Louisiana, November 16-18, 2018The Annual Spring Conference of
the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
The Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Loveland, Colorado, February 9, 2018
Presenter and Attendee
The ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
San Diego, California, November 21, 2015The ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
San Antonio, Texas, November 23, 2014Presenter and Attendee
The Image of the Outsider in Literature, Media and Society: The Annual Conference
The Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery
Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 7-9, 2013
Presenter and Attendee
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
The Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Loveland, Colorado, February 23, 2013
Presenter and Attendee
The Metropolitan State
University of Denver Teacher-Scholar Forum
The Center for Faculty Development of The Metropolitan State
University of Denver
Denver, Colorado, February 22, 2013
The ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Denver, Colorado, November 16-17, 2012
Presenter and Attendee
The ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Denver, Colorado, November 18-20, 2011
Presenter and Attendee
The Image of the Outlaw in Literature, Media and Society: The Annual Conference
The Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery
Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 17-19, 2011
Presenter and Attendee
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 24-26, 2011
Presenter and Attendee
The Image of the Hero in Literature, Media and Society: The Annual Conference
The Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery
Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 20, 2010
Presenter and Attendee
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 26, 2010
Presenter and Attendee
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 28, 2009
Presenter and Attendee
"German as a Foreign Language: Integrating Media, Literature, and Training": The 36th Annual Conference of the Association of German as a Foreign Language Educators
The Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, Germany, May 23, 2008
The Pan-European Fulbright Conference
The German Fulbright Commission
Berlin, Germany, April 6-10, 2008
Cologne, Germany, March, 2008
The 2nd Annual Alumni Forum on Intercultural Communication
The University of Siegen
Siegen, Germany, November 30, 2007
Frankfurt Book Fair
Frankfurt, Germany, October, 2007
AttendeeFulbright Conference for Researchers and Lecturers in Germany
The German Fulbright Commission
Berlin, Germany, September 24-26, 2007
Workshop on eLearning and Literature
The University of Siegen
Siegen, Germany, September 17, 2007
The Annual Holocaust Awareness Day Multimedia Presentations and Discussions
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, April 24, 2007
Organizer, Presenter, and Attendee
The Image of Violence in Literature, Media and Society: The Annual Conference
The Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery
Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 8, 2007
Presenter and Attendee
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 24, 2007
Presenter and Attendee
Spring 2007 Faculty Professional Development Conference on Multi-Culturalism
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, January 19, 2007
Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium Conference
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah, October 7, 2006
Presenter and Attendee
2006 German Studies Association Annual Conference
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 1, 2006
Presenter and Attendee
2006 International Society of Travel Writing Conference
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, September 29, 2006
Presenter and Attendee
Echoes and Reflections: A Multimedia Curriculum on the Holocaust
Center for Teaching International Relations, University of Denver Graduate School of International Studies, and The Anti-Defamation League
Denver, Colorado, May 7, 2006
The Annual Holocaust Awareness Week Lecture, Film and Discussion
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, April 20, 2006
Organizer, Presenter, and Attendee
The Image of Power in Literature, Media and Society: The Annual Conference
The Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery
Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 11, 2006
Presenter and Attendee
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 18, 2006
Presenter and Attendee
"Delta Phi Alpha - National Honor Society for German Advisors' Meeting" of the ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 19, 2005
"Small Undergraduate German Programs SIG Meetings" of the ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 18-20, 2005
Organizer and Session Host
The Holocaust Awareness Project Lecture, Film and Discussion
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, November 15, 2005
Organizer, Presenter, and Attendee
The Annual Holocaust Awareness Week Lecture, Film and Discussion
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, May 3, 2005
Organizer, Presenter, and Attendee
The Image of the Road in Literature, Media and Society: The Annual Conference
The Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery
Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 11, 2005
Presenter and Attendee
The 58th Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Denver, Colorado, February 26, 2005
Presenter and Attendee
"Small Undergraduate German Programs SIG Meetings" of the ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Chicago, Illinois, November 19-21, 2004
Organizer, Presenter, Session Host, and Attendee
Annual Meeting of the Colorado Conference of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
Colorado Christian University
Lakewood, Colorado, November 6, 2004
The Annual Holocaust Awareness Week Lecture, Film and Discussion
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, April 19, 2004
Organizer, Presenter, and Attendee
Spring Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the
American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 23, 2004
Organizer, Host, and Attendee
The 57th Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 19-21, 2004
Attendee and Presenter
ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 20-23, 2003
Attendee, Session Host and Presenter
CCFLT Linguafest / Fall Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the
American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Mountain Get-Away Cabins
Idaho Springs, Colorado, September 20, 2003
Organizer and Host, Attendee and Presenter
"New Directions in Academic Advising: The Annual Fall Faculty Conference"
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, August 14, 2003
Organizer, Attendee and Presenter
Spring Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Standley Lake High School
Standley Lake, Colorado, April 12, 2003
Organizer, Host, and Attendee
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers / Annual Southwest Conference on Language Teaching Joint Conference
Denver, Colorado, March 13-16, 2003
ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Salt Lake City, Utah, November 20-24, 2002
Attendee, Session Host
Fall Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the
American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, September 21, 2002
Organizer and Host, Attendee and Presenter
"From Bright Ideas to Best Practices: Teaching That Enhances Learning: The Annual Fall Faculty Conference"
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, August 14, 2002
Attendee and Presenter
Spring Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 23, 2002
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 21-23, 2002
Attendee and Presenter
ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Washington, D.C., November 16-18, 2001
Scheduled Attendee, Session Host and Presenter (unable to attend due to illness)
Fall Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, Colorado, November 10, 2001
Attendee and Candidate for Chapter President
"A Century of German-American Crosscurrents at Penn State (1901 - 2001): An Interdisciplinary International Conference of the Department of German at The Pennsylvania State University"
University Park, Pennsylvania, October 18-20, 2001
"Learners without Boundaries; Colleges without Walls: The Annual Fall Faculty Conference"
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, August 16, 2001
"Building on Our Strengths: The Second International Conference on Language Teacher Education"
The University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 17-19, 2001
Scheduled Attendee and Presenter (unable to attend due the terminal illness of father)
Spring Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the
American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 25, 2001
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 24-26, 2001
Attendee and Presenter
Symposium of the Boulder Bach Festival 2001
Boulder, Colorado, January 26, 2001
Attendee and Presenter
ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Boston, Massachusetts, November 17-19, 2000
Attendee and Presenter
State Colleges in Colorado Fall 2000 Professional Development Conference: Improving Campus Climates for Learning
Office of State Colleges in Colorado
Lake Dillon, Colorado, September 29-30, 2000
Faculty Organizer, Attendee and Session Moderator
Spring Regional Meeting of the Southwest Association for Language and Technology - The Regional Association of the International Association for Language Learning and Technology (IALLT)
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah, May 5-6, 2000
Attendee and Presenter
"The Annual Conference"
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, August 16, 2000
Attendee and Presenter
The Annual "Teaching with Technology" Conference
The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, Colorado, July 12-14, 2000
Attendee and Presenter
Colorado Regional Higher Education Assessment Conference - Learning, Teaching and Technology: Assessment in
the New Millennium
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, April 6-9, 2000
Spring Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Denver, Colorado, February 26, 2000
Attendee and Presenter
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
The Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT)
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 24-26, 2000
Attendee and Presenter
11th International Conference: Bridges Among Professional Associations
The Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) and The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
San Diego, California, February 8-12, 2000
Attendee and Presenter
Graduate Teacher Program - Spring Conference 2000
The University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, Colorado, January 13-14, 2000
Attendee and Presenter
ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Dallas, Texas, November 18 - 21, 1999
Attendee and Presenter
WebNET '99
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Honolulu, Hawai'i, October 26-30, 1999
Scheduled Poster Session Presenter (Unable to attend)
Fall Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Denver, Colorado, October 23, 1999
Attendee and Presenter
The 41st Annual Mountain Plains Management Conference
National University
La Jolla, California, October 14-16, 1999
Scheduled Presenter (Unable to attend)
The 23rd Annual Youngstown State University Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, Ohio, October 8-9, 1999
Attendee and Presenter
"The Annual Conference: Hidden Dimension of Teaching: Advising Students"
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, August 19, 1999
The Annual "Teaching with Technology" Conference
The Colorado School of Mines
Golden, Colorado, July 14-16, 1999
Attendee and Presenter
"Virtual Universities and the Future of Higher Education"
The Association to Advance Lifetime Learning (AALE)
Breckenridge, Colorado, May 23-26, 1999
Attendee and Presenter
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
The Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT)
Denver, Colorado, February 25-27, 1999
Attendee and Presenter
The 24th Annual Conference on Film and Literature: "Violence in Film and Literature"
The Florida State University
Talahassee, Florida, January 28-30, 1999
Attendee and Presenter
Colorado Language Technology Consortium (CoLTeC): 3rd Meeting
The United States Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, Colorado, January 23, 1999
Organizer, Attendee and Presenter
40th Annual Mountain Plains Management Conference
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, October 14 - 17, 1998
Attendee and Presenter
"Teaching Business German" Conference
The Goethe Institute of New York
Denver, Colorado, October 2 - 4, 1998
"Materials for Teaching" Workshop
Colorado Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German
Denver, Colorado, September 26, 1998
The Seventh Annual Conference: "Academic Excellence through Academic Self-renewal"
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, August 20, 1998
"Teaching with Technology" Conference
The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, Colorado, July 20 - 22, 1998
Attendee and Presenter
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
The Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT)
Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 26 - 28, 1998
Attendee and Presenter
Colorado Language Technology Consortium (CoLTeC): 2nd Meeting
The Department of Modern Languages of the Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, January 24, 1998
Organizer, Attendee and Presenter
ACTFL / AATG Joint Conference
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Nashville, Tennessee, November 21-23, 1997
Attendee and Presenter
Technology + Learning Conference
The National School Board Association
Denver, Colorado, November 5-7, 1997
Scheduled Presenter
World Friendship Festival
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, October 1, 1997
Attendee and Presenter
Colorado Language Technology Consortium (CoLTeC): 1st Organizational Meeting
The Anderson Language Technology Center of the University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, Colorado, July 15, 1997
Founding Member and Attendee
Continuing Education Program for Teachers of the Goethe Institute of Staufen, Germany
Goethe Institute
Staufen, Germany, June 11, 1997
Guest Lecturer
The MidWest Association of Learning Laboratories (MWALL): Spring Conference
Wabash College
Crawfordsville, Indiana, April 11-12, 1997
Attendee and Presenter
The Annual Spring Conference of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
The Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT)
Denver, Colorado, February 27 - March 1, 1997
Attendee and Presenter
The 21st Annual Colloquium on Literature and Film: "The Uses of History in Fiction and Film"
The West Virginia University
Morgantown, West Virginia, October 17-19, 1996
Attendee and Presenter
The Annual Conference: "Leadership through Technology: Enhancing Teaching and Learning"
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado, August 22, 1996
Significant Others - Gender and Culture in Film and Literature, East and West
The University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Honolulu, Hawai'i, April 20, 1991
Attendee and Presenter
In-Service Workshops at The Metropolitan State College of Denver:
Online Teaching Certification
for Blackboard
Online Learning
Fall Semester 2009
Second Life Workshops
Educational Technology Center (ETC)
Spring Semester 2009
"Workshop: Creating and Maintaining Department Websites Using Dreamweaver"
Web Services / Information Technology
July 28, 2006
"Shining a Flashlight on Teaching and Learning with Technology"
Pre-Conference Workshop of the Colorado Regional Higher Education Assessment Conference
April 6, 2000
"Faculty Senate Spring Retreat: Metro's Place in the System"
Faculty Senate
April 7, 2000
"Sexual Harassment"
The Equal Opportunity Office
November 3, 1999
"Dossier Preparation"
Academy for Teaching Excellence
September 2, 1999
"Banner 2000 Training"
Center for Academic Technology
July 6, 1999
"Pyschological Interventions for Working with Disruptive Students"
Counseling Center
June 9, 1999
"Reclaiming Civility in the Classroom"
Academy for Teaching Excellence
April 8, 1999
"Faculty Senate Spring Retreat: New Directions"
Faculty Senate
April 2, 1999
"Safe Zone Training"
Tri-Institutional Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Student Services on the Auraria Campus
October 21, 1998
"Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Faculty Training Workshop"
Office of Equal Opportunity
September 28, 1998
"Banner Faculty Overview Training"
Center for Academic Technology
April 23, 1998
"Dossier Preparation"
Academy for Teaching Excellence
August 28, 1997
"Educational Technology '97: Anything, Anytime, Anywhere with Anybody"
Academy for Teaching Excellence
February 27, 1997
"Technology Enhancements for New Faculty"
Academy for Teaching Excellence
November 6, 1996
"Technology Enhancements for New Faculty"
Academy for Teaching Excellence
October 15, 1996
"Presentational Delivery Skills: PowerPoint"
Academy for Teaching Excellence
September 16, 1996
CLAS Study Abroad Committee
Member, 2018-19 and 2019-20
CLAS Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee
Member, 2016-17
MSUD Tenure and PTR Appeals Committee
Member, 2014-15, 2015-16
Faculty SenateRepresentative of the Department of Modern Languages, 1997-98,
1998-99, 1999-2000, Spring Semester 2002, 2004-2005, 2005-06,
2006-07, Spring Semester 2009, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13,
Faculty Senate Special Information Technology Committee
Member, 2011-12
Faculty Senate Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee
Member, 2009-11, Alternate 2010-11
Faculty Senate Rules Committee
Chair 2009-10
Faculty Senate Instructional Resources Committee
Chair, 2005-06; Member 2006-07
Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Member 2006-07, 2009-10
Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee
Letters, Arts and Sciences At-large Committee Member, 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000
Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee Conference Committee
Member of special committee to resolve issues involved in developing courses on Multimedia Design principles, Fall 1998
MSUD Financial Exigency Committee
Member, 2008-10
Technology Initiatives Committee
Co-Chair 2005-06 and 2006-07
Commencement Committee
Member, Fall 2004 to Spring 2007
MetroConnect and Web Advisory Committee
Faculty Representative from Summer 2004 to Spring 2007
Computer Laboratory Advisory Committee
Faculty Representative from Fall 2008 to Spring 2013
Online Task Force - Online Student and Peer Review Subcommittee
Member, 2005-06
College of Letters, Arts and Science Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee
Member, 2012-13
Letters, Arts and Science Technology Committee
Member, Fall 2001 to Spring 2004
Letters, Arts and Science Faculty Fellow
Responsible for helping faculty members in Letters, Arts and Science with technology and software issues for 1999-2000, 2000-2001, and 2001-2002
Department of Modern Languages Search Committee for the Staff Director of the Multimedia Language Learning Center
Chair, Summer 1999
Department of Modern Languages Task Force on Departmental Standards For Annual Peformance Review
Task Force Member, Spring Semester 1998
Department of Modern Languages Task Force on Technology
Task Force Member, Spring Semester 1997
Department of Modern Languages Work Study Supervisor
Supervisor of up to three students with work study grants each
semester, from Fall Semester1997 to Spring 2009
Departmental Cooperative Education Faculty Supervisor
Supervisor for students earning Cooperative Education credit for paid internships, since Fall 1998
Phi Sigma Iota, The National Foreign Language Honor Society
Faculty Advisor, from Fall 1997 to Spring 2013
Delta Phi Alpha, The National German Honor Society
Faculty Advisor, since Spring 2003
Department of Modern Languages Workshop on the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Homepage Development
Workshop Organizer and Presenter, December 1998
Department of Modern Languages Film Series
Organizer and Coordinator, Spring 1997
Faculty Marshal's Aide at Commencement
Participated in over 25 Commencement ceremonies since Spring 1997
Exhibition Organizer at the Auraria Library of "Synthetic Vision - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), Poet and Scientist"
Organized an exhibit of posters celebrating the 250th anniversary of Goethe's birth which ran from November 18, 1999 to January 10, 2000
Community Involvement and Volunteer Service:
Voting Member of the Board of Directors of the non-profit German Language School Schulhaus Denver
Involvement from 2013 to 2016Fulbright Commission -
Regional Selection Committee of the 2011-12 Fulbright Student Application process
Denver, Colorado
December 2, 2010
Regional Panel Member
Fulbright Commission -
Regional Selection Committee of the 2010-11 Fulbright Student Application process
Denver, Colorado
December 3, 2009
Regional Panel Member
Fulbright Commission -
Regional Selection Committee of the 2009-10 Fulbright Student Application process
Denver, Colorado
December 3, 2008
Regional Panel Member
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals -
Regional Panel Interviews at The Metropolitan State College of Denver
February 9, 2007
Regional Panel Location Organizer and Panel Interviewer
"Habitat for Humanity" Volunteer Building Project of
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
February 11-12, 2005
Organizer and Participant
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals -
Regional Panel Interviews at The Metropolitan State College of Denver
February 3-4, 2004
Regional Panel Location Organizer and Panel Interviewer
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals -
Regional Panel Interviews at The Metropolitan State College of Denver
February 13, 2001
Regional Panel Location Organizer and Panel Interviewer
"Habitat for Humanity" Volunteer Building Project of
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
February 3, 2001
Organizer and Participant
"Habitat for Humanity" Volunteer Building Project of
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
November 11, 2000
Organizer and Participant
"National Service Day at Golden Gate State Park" -
Volunteer Building Project of the Colorado Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association
June 24, 2000
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals -
Regional Panel Interviews at The Metropolitan State College of Denver
February 3, 2000
Regional Panel Location Organizer and Panel Interviewer
"7th Annual Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Race for the Cure"
October 3, 1999
Metropolitan State College of Denver Team Captain and Race Participant
"Habitat for Humanity" Volunteer Building Project of
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
September 18, 1999
Organizer and Participant
"Habitat for Humanity" Volunteer Building Project of the
Colorado Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association
June 5, 1999
"Habitat for Humanity" Volunteer Building Project of
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
April 23, 1999
Organizer and Participant
"Foothills International Forum: The Far Right in Europe Today -
A Multimedia Presentation by MSCD Professors
Lawrence F. Glatz and Ann Williams-Gascon"
October 20, 1998
Phi Sigma Iota "Habitat for Humanity" Volunteer Project
October 17, 1998
Faculty Organizer and Participant
"The 6th Annual Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Race for the Cure"
October 4, 1998
Department of Modern Languages Team Captain and Race Participant
Penn State Alumni "Habitat for Humanity" Volunteer Project
June 6, 1998
Participant with the Pennsylvania State University Alumni Society, Colorado Chapter
"The 5th Annual Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Race for the Cure"
October 5, 1997
Department of Modern Languages Team Captain and Race Participant
National Advisory Council of the Junior Year in Munich Program
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Member since Fall 2004
Past-Chair, Small Undergraduate German Programs (SUGP) Special Interest Group of American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
May 2006 to May 2008
Chair, Small Undergraduate German Programs (SUGP) Special Interest Group of American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
May 2004 to May 2006
Vice-Chair, Small Undergraduate German Programs (SUGP) Special Interest Group of American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
May 2002 to May 2004
Non-Voting Member of the Board of Directors of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT)
May 2002 to May 2005
Voting Member of the Board of Directors of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT):
Involvement in several Standing committees and Conference committees of the CCFLT from May 2000 to May 2002
President of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
May 2002 to May 2004
Webmaster of:
The Homepage of the Department of Modern Languages at the
Metropolitan State College of Denver, from Fall 1996 to Spring
The Homepage of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), 2002-2007
The Homepage of the Small Undergraduate German Programs Special Interest Group of ACTFL, 2001-2007
The Homepage of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT), May 2000 to May 2005
Active Member of:
American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) - Life Member
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Alumni Association - Life
German Studies Association (GSA)
Small Undergraduate German Programs Special Interest Group of ACTFL (SUGP)
Phi Sigma Iota, The National Foreign Language Honor Society
Inducted Fall 1985
Delta Phi Alpha, The National German Honor Society
Inducted Fall 1983
President's Performance Stipend for Teaching Excellence
August, 2004
Based on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department, the Dean of the School, and the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, these one-time awards of $1,000.00 recognized outstanding performance in teaching during the 2003-2004 academic year.
"Bright Ideas / Best Practices" Teaching Award
Fall Conference of The Metropolitan State College of Denver
August 2002
Recognition for excellence and innovation in teaching
Excellence in Academic Advising Award
Academic Advising Committee of The Metropolitan State College of Denver
May 2000
Recognition for advising students
Award for Outstanding Service to Students
Division of Student Services of The Metropolitan State College of Denver
November 1997
Recognition for service to students
Medieval Studies Essay Contest
The Pennsylvania State University
April 1989
Second Place Award in the Graduate Student Division
The Pennsylvania State University Graduate School Fellowship
The Pennsylvania State University
From August 1988 to May 1989
The most competitive award of the Graduate School of Arts and Science of the Pennsylvania State University
3 Credits - German 3300: Advanced German Grammar
Fall Semester 2012:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3010: Third-Year German Conversation
3 Credits - German 3150: German Phonetics: Theory and Practice
3 Credits - German 4200: Major German Authors (Senior Experience)
Spring Semester 2012:
3 Credits - German 4020: Advanced German Composition
Fall Semester 2011:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2110: German Reading and Conversation
3 Credits - German 3220: Survey of German Literature II
3 Credits - German 3300: Advanced German Grammar
Spring Semester 2011:
3 Credits - German 2120: German Civilization (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3010: Third-Year German Conversation
3 Credits - German 3150: German Phonetics: Theory and Practice
Fall Semester 2010:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2110: German Reading and Conversation
3 Credits - German 3200: German Culture and Civilization
Spring Semester 2010:
3 Credits - German 2120: German Civilization (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3220: Survey of German Literature II
3 Credits - German 4020: Advanced German Composition
2-4 Credits - MDL 390M: Educational Technology for Modern Languages (Online)
Fall Semester 2009:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2110: German Reading and Conversation (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2310: German Vocabulary Building and Grammar
3 Credits - German 3010: Third-Year German Conversation
Spring Semester 2009:
3 Credits - German 2120: German Civilization
3 Credits - German 3150: German Phonetics: Theory and Practice (Evening)
3 Credits - German 4200: Major German Authors (Senior Experience)
Fall Semester 2008:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2110: German Reading and Conversation (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3230: Contemporary German Authors
3 Credits - German 3400: German Business Culture
Spring Semester 2008:
Fall Semester 2007:
Sabbatical Leave
Spring Semester 2007:
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3150: German Phonetics: Theory and Practice (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3300: Advanced German Grammar
3 Credits - German 4200: Major German Authors (Senior Experience)
Fall Semester 2006:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3010: Third Year German Conversation (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3230: Contemporary German Authors
Spring Semester 2006:
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2120: German Culture and Civilization (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3220: Survey of German Literature II
Fall Semester 2005:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2310: German Vocabulary Building and Grammar (Evening)
3 Credits - German 4400: German for Business II (Senior Experience)
Summer Semester 2005:
3 Credits - German 2110: German Reading and Conversation (Evening)
Spring Semester 2005:
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3010: Third Year German Conversation (Evening)
3 Credits - German 4200: Major German Authors (Senior Experience)
Fall Semester 2004:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2120: German Culture and Civilization
3 Credits - German 2320: German Composition and Free Writing (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3150: German Phonetics: Theory and Practice
Spring Semester 2004:
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3230: Contemporary German Authors (Evening)
3 Credits - German 4020: Advanced German Composition
3 Credits - German 4980: Independent Study - The Development of Electronic Teaching Materials for German Culture and Civilization
Fall Semester 2003:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2120: German Culture and Civilization (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2320: German Composition and Free Writing
3 Credits - German 3220: Survey of German Literature II
Summer Semester 2003:
3 Credits - German 4210: Advanced German Conversation
Spring Semester 2003:
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3010: Third Year German Conversation (Evening)
3 Credits - German 4400: German for Business II (Senior Experience)
3 Credits - German 4980: Independent Study - The Development of Electronic Teaching Materials for German Culture and Civilization
Fall Semester 2002:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2120: German Culture and Civilization
3 Credits - German 2320: German Composition and Free Writing (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3150: German Phonetics: Theory and Practice
Summer Semester 2002:
3 Credits - German 2110: German Reading and Conversation (Evening)
Spring Semester 2002:
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3220: Survey of German Literature II
Fall Semester 2001:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2120: German Culture and Civilization
3 Credits - German 4200: Major German Authors (Senior Experience)
3 Credits - German 4980: Independent Study - The Development of Electronic Teaching Materials for German Culture and Civilization
Summer Semester 2001:
3 Credits - German 2310: German Vocabulary Building and Grammar (Evening)
Spring Semester 2001:
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II
3 Credits - German 2320: German Composition and Free Writing
3 Credits - German 4020: Advanced German Composition
Fall Semester 2000:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2120: German Culture and Civilization
3 Credits - German 4400: German for Business II (Senior Experience)
Spring Semester 2000:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2320: German Composition and Free Writing
6 Credits - Modern Languages 3980: Cooperative Education (Faculty Supervisor)
Fall Semester 1999:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2110: German Reading and Conversation
3 Credits - German 3220: Survey of German Literature II
Summer Semester 1999:
3 Credits - German 4980: Independent Study - The Development of Electronic Teaching Materials for German Culture and Civilization
Spring Semester 1999:
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2120: German Culture and Civilization (Evening)
3 Credits - German 4400: German for Business II (Senior Experience)
Fall Semester 1998:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2110: German Reading and Conversation (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3150: German Phonetics: Theory and Practice
3 Credits - German 4020: Advanced German Composition
6 Credits - Modern Languages 3980: Cooperative Education (Faculty Supervisor)
6 Credits - Technical Communications 4760: Advanced Internship in Technical Communications (Faculty Supervisor)
Spring Semester 1998:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2120: German Culture and Civilization
3 Credits - German 2320: German Composition and Free Writing
3 Credits - German 4980: Independent Study - The Development of Electronic Teaching Materials for German Culture and Civilization
Fall Semester 1997:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
3 Credits - German 3220: Survey of German Literature II
3 Credits - German 3900: Business German II
2 Credits - Modern Languages 3900: Multimedia in Second Language Acquisition (Evening)
Summer Semester 1997 - MSCD Study Abroad Program in Staufen, Germany:
3 Credits - German 1800: 1st Year International German
3 Credits - German 2800: 2nd Year International German
3 Credits - German 3800: 3rd Year International German
Spring Semester 1997:
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II (Evening)
3 Credits - German 2320: German Composition and Free Writing
3 Credits - Released Time for Departmental Technology Grant
Fall Semester 1996:
5 Credits - German 1010: German Language and Culture I (Evening)
5 Credits - German 1020: German Language and Culture II
3 Credits - German 2120: German Culture and Civilization
3 Credits - German 3900: Business German II
3 Credits - German 4980: Independent Study - The Development of Electronic Teaching Materials for German Culture and Civilization
Last modified: January 8, 2025